Cameco Corporation is the world’s largest publicly traded uranium company, with mines, mills, and fuel production facilities in Canada, the United States, and Kazakhstan. The Cigar Lake Mine site, located in northern Saskatchewan, began operations in 2015. It employs some 530 staff and contractors and has repeatedly received safety awards.
Originally, the teams at this site were looking for one solution to a basic problem: a fast and easy way to pull multiple documents from multiple sources and to have them all print out with the work order from SAP. Collating these documents ensured maintenance teams were best prepared prior to commencing maintenance work.
But, when you have creative and committed people on both sides of the aisle — those at the company, and those solution providers supporting them on their quest for maintenance excellence — you get a lot more than one basic solution to one basic problem.

Meeting Maintenance Goals with SAP Solutions
As it turns out, the Cigar Lake team had several areas in which they were looking to optimize their processes, such as:
- Collecting maintenance documents from various sources to print with the work orders, to better equip their maintenance crews
- Gaining visibility into the interdependencies between jobs on and off the critical path
- Simplifying and streamlining daily tasks with user-friendly dashboards, tools, and functions that put an end to repetitive data entry work
- Forecasting planned outages as well as regular maintenance activities
However, upon implementing Prometheus Planning & Scheduling for SAP in 2012, they quickly came to realize they could use the solutions to overcome other challenges too. For instance, managing the status of materials and components or producing compliance reports to regulatory bodies, including ISO 14001. Overall, Prometheus Planning & Scheduling for SAP unlocked new ways to create efficiencies while maintaining or exceeding their exacting standards for safety, environmental protection, quality, and accuracy.
Huge Gains in Time Savings with Prometheus Planning and Scheduling for SAP
The Cameco team has seen:
- Massive gains in time savings for planners and schedulers
- Improved preparedness prior to commencing work
- Improved progress tracking
As Kris Halland, Senior Planner, Maintenance, says, “We’ve seen a massive amount of small improvements across all areas that add up to huge time savings. For instance, with one-click scheduling, what used to take 20 minutes now takes 30 seconds. All of a sudden, you have more time to do get more done and to do an even better job.”
How has the Cameco team realized these results? What specific features of Prometheus Planning and Scheduling are they leveraging to cut down on manual work, streamline processes from SAP, make forecasting maintenance work simpler, faster, and more effective?